ORACLES: netwOrks, Robotics, mAChine Learning, and fuzzy systEms labS

Curriculum Vitae
Maria Papatsimouli

George S. Maraslidis Maria Papatsimouli
Ph.D. Student
Internet Of Things,
Web Engineering

Maria Papatsimouli holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering and Telecommunications since 2008. She also obtained a Master's degree in Applied Informatics with a specialization in computer systems, and her dissertation was titled "Development of Software for Synchronous-Asynchronous E-Learning Using PHP, HTML, and JavaScript programming languages." Furthermore, she holds a second Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design, which she earned in 2017. Since May 2020, she has been a Php candidate at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Western Macedonia. Her doctoral thesis is titled "Research and Implementation of a Wearable System for Automatic Semantic Language Translation using the Internet of Things (IoT)," under the supervision of Professor George Fragoulis. She has three years of professional experience in web programming, database management, and software development. Additionally, she has been involved in education since 2009, teaching at the University of Western Macedonia and other institutions. Furthermore, since 2016, she has actively participated in various programs at the University and Erasmus+ projects. She has also made contributions to conferences and research publications.