ORACLES: netwOrks, Robotics, mAChine Learning, and fuzzy systEms labS

List of Publications
Dr. George F. Fragulis



Publications per year

    Under Review

  1. Christos Tolis and George F. Fragulis, ”An experimental mechatronic design and control of a 5 DOF Robotic arm for identification and sorting of different sized objects”, under review 2020.
  2. George F. Fragulis and Maria Papatsimouli, ”Mechatronics Analysis of a 4 DOF robotic arm using the Matlab Environment”, under review 2020.
  3. Papatsimouli Maria and George F. Fragulis, ”Kinematics and control of a 3 DOF Robotic arm using the Matlab-Simulink environment”, under review 2020.
  4. Papatsimouli Maria and George F. Fragulis, ”Forward and Inverse Kinematics analysis of a SCARA type Robotic Arm”, under review 2020.
  5. Antigoni Stefanidou and George F. Fragulis, ” Development of a Braitenberg mobile robot with photophobic/photophilic behavior, under review, 2020.
  6. B.G. Mertzios and George F. Fragulis, ”The fundamental matrix in ARMA systems” , under review, 2020.
  7. B.G. Mertzios and George F. Fragulis, ”The fundamental matrix in second-order ARMA systems”, under review, 2020.
  8. B.G. Mertzios and George F. Fragulis, ”Tschirnhausen Polynomials of Linear Multivariable Systems Based on the Fundamental Matrix Approach”, under review, 2018.
  9. George F. Fragulis , P.K. Sotiropoulos and B.G. Mertzios, ”Partial Realization of a Generalized Transfer Function”, under review, 2020.
  10. George F. Fragulis and B.G. Mertzios, ”Division of two Polynomial Matrices Using the Fundamental Matrix Approach”, under review, 2020.
  11. C. Tsinotas and George F. Fragulis, ”Flexible Robotic Hand: Mechatronics Analysis and Simulation in Matlab/Simulink environment, under review, 2020.

  12. 2021

  13. E. Michailidi, I.Skordas, M. Papatsimouli, L. Lazaridis, H. Michailidis, S. Tavoultzidou and George F. Fragulis ”GrfKids: Development of a Greek language teaching platform via a Learning Management System for primary school pupils with Russian as a mother tongue”, International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching (IJCALLT), 2021 (to appear).

  14. 2020

  15. B. Bekhiti, A. Dahimene , Kamel Hariche and George F. Fragulis, ”On The Block Decomposition and Spectral Factors of lambda-Matrices”, Control and Cybernetics, 1(1), 2020.
  16. Maria Papatsimouli, Stavroula Tavoultzidou, Vaggelis Saprikis, Lazaros Lazaridis, Eleni Michailidi, Ioannis Skordas, and George F. Fragulis, ”Cyberbullying and Traditional Bullying in Greece: An Empirical Study”, ETLTC2020-Virtual ACM Chapter Workshop on Professional and Social Media Communication, Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima, Japan, 20-22nd August 2020.
  17. Kokkonis, G., Gounopoulos, E., Tsiamitros, D., Stimoniaris, D., and George F. Fragulis “Designing interconnected haptic interfaces and actuators for teleoperations in mobile ad hoc networks”, International Journal of Entertainment Technology and Management, 1(1), 43-63, 2020.
  18. E. Michailidi, I.Skordas, M. Papatsimouli, L. Lazaridis, H. Michailidis, S. Tavoultzidou and George F. Fragulis ”GrfKids: Development of a Greek language teaching platform via a Learning Management System for primary school pupils with Russian as a mother tongue”, The ACM Chapter International Conference on Educational Technology, Language and Technical Communication (ETLTC), Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima, Japan, 27-31st January, 2020.

  19. 2019

  20. L. Lazaridis, M. Papatsimouli and George F. Fragulis, ”A Synchronous - Asynchronous Tele-education Platform”, Int. J. of Smart Technology and Learning, Vol. 1, issue (2), 122-139, 2019.
  21. Skordas, I. A., Triantafyllou, A. G., and George F. Fragulis, ”Air quality meteorological and environmental information system in Western Macedonia, Hellas”, International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology, 14(4), 341-366, 2019.

  22. 2018

  23. George F. Fragulis, Lazaros Lazaridis, Maria Papatsimouli and Ioannis Skordas ’O.D.E.S. : An Online Dynamic Examination System based on a CMS Wordpress plugin’, Proceedings of the 3rd South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference 22-24 Sept. , Kastoria, Greece SEEDA-CECNSM 2018.
  24. Christos Tolis and George F. Fragulis, An experimental mechatronic design and control of a 5 DOF Robotic arm for identification and sorting of different sized objects, 5th Int.Conf. on Mathematics and Computers in Sciences and Industry, CORFU ISLAND, GREECE, August 25-27, 2018.

  25. 2017

  26. Ioannis Skordas, Nikolaos Tsirekas, Nestoras Kolovos, George F. Fragulis, Athanassios G. Triantafyllou and Maria G. Bouliou , ”e-Sem: Dynamic Seminar Management System forPrimary, Secondary and Tertiary Education”, Proceedings of the South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference SEEDA-CECNSM 2017, Sep 2017 At Kastoria, Hellas, 2017.
  27. George F. Fragulis, ”Reduction of Linear Multivariable System Described by Internally Proper Polynomial Matrix Descriptions (PMDs) into An Equivalent State Space Model.”, Proceedings of the Conference: SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications (CT17), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, At Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, July 10-12, 2017.
  28. B. Bekhiti, A. Dahimene and George F. Fragulis, ”On block zeros in a second order system of partial differential equations”, Proceedings The 30th International Conference of The Jangjeon Mathematical Society (ICJMS-2017) at Houari Boumedienne University, Algiers, Algeria, July 12-15, 2017., At Houari Boumedienne University, Algiers, Algeria, 2017.

  29. 2016

  30. Lazaros Lazaridis, Maria Papatsimouli and George F. Fragulis, ”S.A.T.E.P : Synchronous-Asynchronous Tele-education Platform”, Proceedings of the South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference SEEDA-CECNSM 2016, December 23-25 At Kastoria, Hellas, 2016.

  31. 2014

  32. Skordas Ioannis , George F. Fragulis and Athanassios G. Triantafyllou, ”A.Q.M.E.I.S.: Air Quality Meteorological and Enviromental Information System in Western Macedonia, Hellas”, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Buildings Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources, At Kozani, Greece, Volume: 1, 2014.

  33. 2011

  34. Stavros Lazarou, George F. Fragulis and Nikolas Kiratzis, ”AC Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy as a Tool For Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Operational Time Delays Calculation”, Proceedings of the 6-th International Workshop on Deregulated Electricity Market Issues In South - Eastern Europe - Demsee 2011, At Bled , Slovenia, Volume: 1 , 2011.
  35. Skordas Ioannis , George F. Fragulis and Athanassios G. Triantafyllou ”e-AirQuality: A Dynamic Web Based Application for Evaluating the Air Quality Index for the City of Kozani, Hellas”, Proceedings of the 15th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, PCI 2011, Kastoria, Greece, September 30 - Oct. 2, 2011

  36. 2009

  37. G.F. Fragulis and B.G. Mertzios, ”Division of two Polynomial Matrices Using the Fundamental Matrix Approach”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Control Systems ARCS 2009, At Orlando, FL, United States, Volume: 1, pp.70-74, 2009.

  38. 2007

  39. G.F. Fragulis , P.K. Sotiropoulos and B.G. Mertzios, ”Partial Realization of a Generalized Transfer Function”, Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, 2007 and 6th EURASIP Conference focused on Speech and Image Processing, Multimedia Communications and Services, Maribor, Slovenia , 27 – 30. June 2007.

  40. 2006

  41. B.G. Mertzios and G.F. Fragulis, ”Tschirnhausen Polynomials of Linear Multivariable Systems Based on the Fundamental Matrix Approach”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image processing (IWSSIP’06),, Volume: 1, pp.365-368, Budapest, Hungary , 21-23 September 2006.

  42. 2005

  43. B.G. Mertzios and G.F. Fragulis , ”The fundamental matrix in second-order ARMA systems”, Proceedings of 12th international workshop on systems, signals & image processing, IWSSIP 2005, IWSSIP 2005, ISBN 0-907776-20-5, Chalkida, Greece, 22-24 September 2005.

  44. 2004

  45. B.G. Mertzios and G.F. Fragulis, ”The fundamental matrix in ARMA systems”, Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International conference on industrial technology , 1706 p. , ISBN 0-7803-8662-0, Hammamet, Tunisia, December 8-10, 2004.

  46. 2000

  47. G.F. Fragulis and B.G. Mertzios, ” Computation of the impulsive behaviour of multivariable linear systems using a division algorithm”, Systems & Control Letters, 39, pp.211-217, 2000.

  48. 1996

  49. G.F. Fragulis, ” Transformation of a PMD into an implicit system using minimal realizations of its transfer function matrix in terms of finite and infinite spectral data ”, Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol. 333(B), No.1, pp.41-56, 1996.

  50. 1995

  51. G.F. Fragulis and A.I.G. Vardulakis, ”Reachability of Polynomial Matrix Descriptions (PMD’s)” , Circuits , Systems and Signal Processing, Vol.14, No.6, 1995
  52. G.F. Fragulis, ” The Generalized Cayley-Hamilton theorem for polynomial matrices of arbitrary degree ” International Journal of Control , Vol. 62, No.6, pp. 1341-1349, 1995.
  53. George F. Fragulis, ”A division algorithm for arbitrary polynomial matrices”, Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC-95), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, December 13-15, 1995.
  54. George F. Fragulis , ” Reachability/Controllability properties of internally proper Polynomial Matrix Descriptions ”, Proceedings of the INRIA/IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation- ETFA-95 , October 10-13, Paris, France, 1995.
  55. George F. Fragulis, ” Extension of Cayley-Hamilton theorem for arbitrary polynomial matrices ” , Proceedings of the INRIA/IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation- ETFA-95 , October 10-13, Paris, France, 1995.
  56. George F. Fragulis and B.G. Mertzios , ” Computation of the Impulsive Behavior of a Multivariable System described by a PMD using a division algorithm ”, Proceedings of the 3rd Mediterranean Symposium on New directions in control and Automation, Limassol Cyprus,pp. 143-148, 11-13 July 1995.
  57. George F. Fragulis, ”Direct matrix tests for a general form PMD to be internally proper” , Proceedings of the Inaugural Workshop of the International Institute for General Systems Studies, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania, USA, July 13-15, 1995.

  58. 1994

  59. G.F. Fragulis and A.I.G. Vardulakis, ” Evaluation of the Reachability subspace of general form PMDs” , KYBERNETIKA, Vol. 30, No.6, pp. 617-628, 1994.
  60. G.F. Fragulis, ” Evaluation of the impulsive solution space of Linear Multivariable homogeneous implicit systems ”, KYBERNETIKA , Vol. 30, No.6, pp. 629-638, 1994.
  61. G.F. Fragulis, ” Minimal Realizations of the inverse of a polynomial matrix using finite and infinite Jordan pairs ” , KYBERNETIKA, Vol. 30, No.6, pp. 607-616, 1994.

  62. 1993

  63. G.F.Fragulis , ” A closed formula for the determination of the impulsive solutions of Linear Homogeneous Matrix Differential Equations” , IEEE Transactions of Automatic Control ,Vol. AC-38 , No. 11 , pp. 1688-1695 , 1993.
  64. George F. Fragulis and A.I.G. Vardulakis, ” Evaluation of the Reachability subspace of general form PMDs” , Proceedings of the IEEE Mediterranean Conference on ” New Directions of Control Theory and Applications ” pp. 307-310 , 21-23 June , Crete , Greece , 1993. 47.
  65. George F. Fragulis, ” Evaluation of the impulsive solution space of Linear Multivariable homogeneous implicit systems ” , Proceedings of the IEEE Mediterranean Conference on ” New Directions of Control Theory and Applications ” pp. 297-300 , 21-23 June , Crete , Greece , 1993.
  66. George F. Fragulis, ” Minimal Realizations of the inverse of a polynomial matrix using finite and infinite Jordan pairs ” , Proceedings of the IEEE Mediterranean Conference on ” New Directions of Control Theory and Applications ” pp. 304-306 , 21-23 June , Crete , Greece , 1993.

  67. 1991

  68. G.F. Fragulis, B.G. Mertzios and A.I.G. Vardulakis, ” Computation of the inverse of a polynomial matrix and evaluation of its Laurent expansion ” , International Journal of Control , Vol. 53 , No. 2 , 431-443 , 1991.
  69. A.I.G. Vardulakis and George F. Fragulis , ”Impulsive behavior of autonomous generalized singular systems” , Proceedings of the European Control Conference- ECC’91 , Grenoble, France, 2-5 July 1991.

  70. 1989

  71. A.I.G. Vardulakis and G.F. Fragulis, ”Infinite elementary divisors of polynomial matrices and impulsive solutions of Linear Homogeneous Matrix Differential Equations”, Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 8, No. 3, 357-373, 1989.
  72. A.I.G. Vardulakis and George F. Fragulis , ”Infinite elementary divisors of polynomial matrices and impulsive solutions of Linear Homogeneous Matrix Differential Equations” , Proceedings of the IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control : State-space and Polynomial methods , Prague , Czechoslovakia , 25-27 September 1989.


Citation Index
90 citations in Scopus
150 citations in Google Scolar