ORACLES: netwOrks, Robotics, mAChine Learning, and fuzzy systEms labS

Curriculum Vitae
Lazaros Lazaridis

George S. Maraslidis Lazaros Lazaridis
Ph.D. Student
Video Games Development,
Software Engineering

I graduated as a Software Engineer in 2004. Since then, I have worked on several jobs, mainly as a computer programmer or as a system administrator. I obtained a Master of Science degree in Computer Systems. During that time, I specialized on different advanced methods of computer programming, databases, algorithm analysis and image processing. Computers and technology have always been my passion. I have good programming skills and I continue to evolve myself and keep up to date with the latest developments through seminar attendance and personal engagement. At this time, I am PhD candidate in Artificial Intelligence through computer gaming with title “An holistic approach for semantic-based digital gaming development: modelling and pathfinding with use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Apply in Adventure and Dungeon Crawler games” that is ideal to continue my career into research and development field.